2017 > 08

Hi everyone. Posting photos from another photo shoot. Really enjoyed shooting those portraits as they have been created in nature. I had a wonderful person as my model and hopefully I have revealed that well in my protraits. For these pictures please go to the link a PHOTO SHOOTS or click on the picture below. Enjoy.

Dear All,
It has been a while since I have posted new photos on my website. Now I am here again. I have been working lately a lot with the portraits as like I mentioned before taking pictures of people is also my big passion like nature and landscapes. I was thinking that I might perhaps combine those two together - people and nature...In whatever case you are gonna see much more of that in the future. Please check my newly uploaded pictures in the PHOTO SHOOTS or click on the picture below. Enjoy.

You may comment here:

  • Vilija Aukstuolis • May 24, 2018 at 4:12:55 AM
    Fantastic photos! Good luck Edita!
  • Karin • June 29, 2017 at 3:10:32 PM
    Helt fantastiska bilder Edita!!
  • Millan • December 6, 2016 at 10:46:19 PM
    Så fantastiskt aTT få se dina bilder Edith! Millan

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